All Accounting Services

Tired of worrying about finances and your attempts to plan for your future? You’ve spent hours on bookkeeping only to find out you’ve done something wrong. To make matters worse, you don’t know where to go for help, let alone what services are available to you. Here’s a comprehensive list of services Schaeffer CPA can provide you:

Business Advisory Services

Are you starting a new business? We can lend our expertise to help you set up your business correctly. We all know the choices you make while establishing your business will have long-term consequences. We will:

Are you experiencing growing pains? If you already own an established business but need help as you transition and grow, we provide advisory services. We can keep you from falling victim to unnecessary employment and income tax liability. You can take full advantage of all tax benefits with our support and help. We provide:

Business Accounting for Your Payroll

Does the thought of payroll put a knot in your stomach? If you own a business, money is always on your mind. If you’re like most business owners, you focus on generating sales, supervising operations, and planning for a successful future. However, your employees are thinking about bringing home a paycheck.

We know payroll and the fear of mistakes can be complex and stressful. You don't have to take that burden on by yourself. We offer professional payroll services that help with your employment tax compliance.

If we are already working with your business, we have prior knowledge of your needs so our payroll services are efficient and effective. Payroll can be one of the most time-consuming administrative functions and we can take over all phases. We can handle payroll check preparation and periodic or annual employment tax reporting. We even deal with payment compliance!

Handing these tasks off to us will free you to focus on other administrative tasks like managing your staff and paying the bills. This will give you more time to help your business grow!

Learn more about our business services with payroll support. We're proud to offer you certified, personalized, and professional accounting services in Springfield, MO.

Our Payroll Accounting Services

Certified Business Accountant, CPA Services

You are good at your business, but you shudder at the thought of the accounting side. That’s not uncommon. We find businesses all have different levels of needs with business accounting. Our certification will bring down the amount of time you have to spend working in your business so you can continue to spend time on your business. We customize our accounting services to your specific circumstances.

We can manage client business revenue, payroll, or advise on yearly business tax and finance strategies. Our plans could be daily, weekly, or monthly, based on your goals. Some clients work with us on periodic employment tax compliance services or income tax planning. Other clients work with us on an annual basis in anticipation of tax preparation for business income.

No matter how many or how few of our business services you need, you can count on quality, professional services you deserve.

Learn More About Schaeffer CPA

Located at 1323 East Montclair Street in Springfield, Missouri, Schaeffer CPA specializes in small business accounting, tax representation, and financial consulting. Over thirty-six years of experience. Your business can count on Schaeffer CPA.